Pain Away Solution (2) - Free Shipping.

Pain Away Solution (2) - Free Shipping.


  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness, but rather help speed up the healing process, thus alleviate, eliminate and eradicate pain.
  • We are not liable for mis-use of this product.
  • This product has not been tested for open wounds.
  • Keep out of reach of children.


Identify Pain Point:

  • To locate pain point by probe around pain area
  • Find the most sensitive pain point

Prepare Patch (see picture)

  • Place Solution Pouch on to center of patch
  • Remove adhesive sticker
  • Place the Patch over the pain point
  • Gently press the patch from outside to center, to release all the solution onto the pain area.
  • Replace Patch every 8 hours, until pain completely goes away.

For Sensitive Skin

  • Use water or oil to remove bandages.
  • Bandage adhesive might cause minor skin irritation.
$80.00 20 Patches (4 gr each)

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